If you own or manage a multi-family dwelling or apartment building, the prospect of adding recycling collection service can be a daunting one. You may have questions about compliance, cost, containers and many other concerns.
Collection is a mandate for multi-family residential dwellings of five units or more. Find out more about Mandatory Commercial Recycling and Commercial Organics Recycling.
Before you get started, take a few minutes to get educated. Learn about what you need to do to be clear and effective from those who have done it already:
- For simple steps, check out the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s handout: Setting up a Multi-Family or Apartment Building Recycling Program: A Seven Step Guide.
- For a more in-depth walkthrough of how to set up a recycling system, complete with a sample letter for residents and signs for recycling containers, check out the Toolkit for Apartment Managers and Owners by the city of Lincoln, Nebraska.
- Learn about successful multi-family recycling programs in this report from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
- Go to StopWaste.org to read their best practices for multi-family apartment recycling.