E-Cigarettes Are E-Waste
E-cigarettes are electronic, so they contain both nonrenewable metals and chemicals that are toxic to landfills. Find out how to dispose of e-cigarettes here.

Empty Packs Are Recyclable
Cigarette packs are paperboard and can be recycled with other paper products. Just make sure the outer plastic and inner foil packaging has been removed first.

Don't Compost Cigarettes or Butts
Cigarette waste leaches dangerous toxins when in contact with soil or water and kills bacteria needed for the composting process.
Alternative Ways to Recycle

TerraCycle Cigarette Waste Recycling Program
You can ship your cigarette waste for free to the Cigarette Waste Recycling Program. This program recycles every part of the cigarette and its packaging except for the paper box, since it can be recycled locally. Mail in your used cigarettes, packaging and ash with a free shipping label.