Toss Masks in the Garbage
Toss disposable masks in the garbage after wearing them. They are made of mixed materials and cannot be recycled.
Dispose of Masks Carefully When Sick
If you or a household member has an infectious illness, use extra care when disposing of masks. Wash your hands before and after removing the mask. Place the used mask in a resealable bag then toss in garbage.

Dispose of Cloth Masks As Textiles
If you need to get rid of a reusable cloth mask, it can be disposed of with other clothing and textiles, but make sure to clean it first.
Help Prevent Litter
Face masks are made of lightweight materials that easily find their way into the environment. Make sure face masks don’t blow away by disposing of them properly.
Alternative Ways to Recycle

Invest in a Zero Waste Box
TerraCycle recycles disposable face masks and other medical supplies through its Zero Waste Boxes. To participate: Purchase a box, fill it up, then mail it back using your prepaid label. TerraCycle will recycle the masks into new products such as plastic lumber.
Ways to Reduce

Switch to Reusable Masks
By investing in reusable cloth masks, you add a tiny bit to your laundry each week and save on a lot of plastic waste. You’ll look more fashionable, too!
Ways to Reuse
Donate Unwanted Masks
If you have disposable masks that are unopened, or reusable masks that you will not use, consider donating them or giving them away.