Shingles (Asphalt)

Alternative ways to recycle
Take to Recycling Center or Landfill

Asphalt shingles can be brought to North County Recycling Center & Sanitary Landfill, Lovelace Materials Recovery Facility & Transfer Station


Sustainable Pavement Technologies
10500 Harlan Road, French Camp, CA 95231 | (209) 982-4750
Map & Directions

Clean Planet, Inc.
250 Port Rd. 23, Stockton, CA 95203 | (209) 463-1067
Map & Directions
Accepts asphalt, brick, tile, concrete, rock, sand, and dirt. Fees may apply. Call for details. Drop off only.

Frank C. Alegre Trucking
915 W. Anderson Street, Stockton, CA 95206
Office: (209) 334-2114, Scale House: (209) 462-2038
Map & Directions
Recycles asphalt, concrete, cinder blocks, tile, bricks, rocks, sand, dirt, and gravel. Fees may apply. Call for details. Accepts material from commercial and residential sectors. Pick up or drop off.

Granite Construction Company
10500 S. Harlan Road, French Camp, CA 95231 | (209) 982-4750
Map & Directions 
Accepts clean broken asphalt and concrete only. Drop off only.

Modesto Sand and Gravel
6139 Hammett Rd, Modesto, CA 95358 | (209) 545-1325
Map & Directions
Accepts concrete, asphalt, brick, cinder blocks, gravel, rock. Free if clean. Drop off only.

San Joaquin County Flood Control
6767 E Main St, Stockton, CA 95215 | Contact: Butch Waddle (209) 468-9698 
Accepts clean, broken concrete and brick only. Drop off only.


Find a Shingle Recycler

Asphalt shingles are easily recycled, though they require a special facility for processing. Locate the nearest shingle recycling facility.


Do Not Remove Nails

Shingle recyclers accept material with nails in it, so do not remove the nails. The recycling operators use a powerful magnet to separate nails from the asphalt.

Alternative Ways to Recycle

Ask Your Contractor If They Recycle

Before hiring a contractor to work on your roof, see if they can recycle the asphalt shingles for you.

Did You Know?

You’re Driving on Recycled Shingles

Recycled asphalt shingles are turned into road material for public roads, private driveways and parking lots.