Stockton Municipal Code 8.04.210 states that it is “…unlawful for any person in the City to throw or deposit any recyclable material, green waste, rubbish or waste matter or to cause the same to be thrown or deposited upon any street…” or in other words you are not allowed to dump garbage in the street.
The Public Works Municipal Service Center is responsible for maintaining the City’s public right-of-ways. This includes keeping the public streets and alleys free of debris and weeds.
Reporting Illegal Dumping
If you witnessed or know the source of illegal dumping in the public right of way, please contact the Stockton Police Department Neighborhood Services Section.
If you observe debris in the public right of way but do not know the source, please contact the City of Stockton Municipal Service Center or place a service request in AskStockton.
To report illegal dumping in progress, please call the Stockton Police Department non-emergency number.