Looking for a Valentine’s Date? Try Recycling February 4, 2017 2-4-2017 A recent study revealed that men might not recycle as much because “going green” is considered unmanly. But according to a national survey, women are more attracted to men who recycle. And women aren’t the only ones. In a study about first impressions, recycling ranked higher than a host of other characteristics, including having a graduate degree or a prestigious job. Why is that? It shows consideration — for the environment and future generations. So if you have a date this Valentine’s Day, or are hoping to stumble into a potential sweetheart before it rolls around, remember that recycling makes a good impression! Here are some tips so you don’t forget: If you bring roses to your special someone, remember that the plastic wrapping can be recycled with plastic bags. Once you’re done with the flowers, they can be recycled in your compost. Greeting cards can be recycled with paper. Candy wrappers can’t be recycled, so remember to toss them in the trash.