America Recycles Day November 11, 2018 11-11-2018 America Recycles Day is November 15th. This day is the perfect time to recognize how much recycling helps our country and our planet. Recycling is a big job. In the U.S., recycling and reuse activities provide 757,000 jobs and produce $36 billion in wages each year. All these jobs and wages go to a good cause — according to the EPA, the U.S. is able to keep 34.7 percent of its trash out of the landfill through recycling and composting. In honor of America Recycles Day, challenge yourself to find new ways to use less and recycle more. Need some inspiration? Here are some ideas to get you started: Take a recycling pledge on Learn how to recycle almost anything using our Recycling Guide. Donate items you no longer need instead of throwing them away. Learn new ways to reuse. Start your own compost or worm farm. Throw a waste-free party. Teach your kids sustainable habits. Spearhead sustainability initiatives in the community. Educate yourself on how to be a responsible consumer. Happy recycling!