If you have (3) wheeled carts for trash, recycling, and organics (green waste), this means you reside within City limits and cannot pile leaves into the street. During Leaf season only, your service provider will collect up to 5 additional bags of leaves every week at no additonal charge. Just place bagged leaves next to your organics cart on your regular service day. These leaves are then sent to local compost facilities.
Leaf bags must contain only leaves. If bags contains leaves mixed with grass trimmings, branches, brush, or other non-leaf content, the bag will require an “Extra Sevice” sticker. “Extra Service” stickers are not required for bagged leaves during Leaf Season (October 1 thru December 31). After December 31, only bags with “Extra Service” stickers will be picked up.
*Street sweeping only picks up what falls naturally on the street. *
**The City of Stockton has some San Joaquin County pockets within City limits. County residents are allowed to pile leaves in the street for removal, but city residents are prohibited from this practice.**
Please do not put leaves in the street.