‘Tis the Season For a Sustainable Christmas Tree December 12, 2021 Email Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a Christmas tree — or would it? Every year, Americans buy tens of millions of Christmas trees, but there could be a more sustainable alternative. The Truth About Christmas Trees It can take over a decade to grow a natural Christmas tree — yet, unfortunately, the majority of Christmas trees are used for a matter of weeks until they are tossed out. Christmas trees require resources like water to grow, maintain, and transport. Some are grown with pesticides that harm soil, water, and environmental and human health. Moreover, at the end of the season, many trees are improperly disposed of and sent to the landfill, contributing to harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Although artificial Christmas trees can be reused year after year, because they are made of PVC, a plastic that can have harmful health consequences and take over hundreds of years to break down in a landfill, these artificial trees would not be considered sustainable either. For proper disposal instructions for your real or artificial Christmas tree, follow the IWMA’s instructions here. So, what’s a Christmas tree lover to do? Sustainable Christmas Tree Alternatives Buy a Live Christmas Tree Buy a potted Christmas tree and use it year after year. Once a tree gets too big, it can be planted and continue to spread the Christmas spirit year round! Another innovative idea is renting a live Christmas tree — hopefully, this option will become available for more parts of California in the near future. Make Any Tree a Christmas Tree Who knew that any potted tree and even plant can be made into a Christmas tree? Get creative with a plant you already own, like adding ribbons and decor to a fragrant rosemary bush, and presto, you’ve got yourself your own Christmas tree. Make Your Own Tree Christmas is for spending time with family and what better way to spend Christmas than making memories creating your own Christmas tree? See here for inspiration. This year, make your Christmas the most sustainable, unforgettable one yet!